Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Yay, yay ...... .. these are the extent yet again positive messages. Put him on Bardo, also in bask

0.8 leucos | Basket pincett Balls | Go to IC | bardo chase
Today leucos 0.8. His CRP is also slightly down and it seems that now gets his heart a little more rest. The IC doctor again to take a look at Bardo Bardo and do not go to IC. Cardiac Action values are now between 105 and 120 that is better than the 140-150 where very long to have looked at. Yesterday we saw for the first time a value of 97 of his heart. Again, this was only for a few moments, we've seen in weeks. We've just been out here with bed, and oxygen tank. There, Bardo 2 points made by the basked balls.
Yay, yay ...... .. these are the extent yet again positive messages. Put him on Bardo, also in basketball, but nice of you to your mom and dad should win. And it is such a nice warm under blanket when you go outside.
Anja Hidding permalink
Hope that he remains so continue. The weather pincett is fortunately it can be nice to go outside. Just a breath of fresh air at a man does good. Soon also stopped vacation you are good with the whole family. Let yourself just as if not get under in judo. Put him on greetings Anja mc fox.
Recent Posts Thank message to everyone Everyone is welcome. Farewell Bardo on this Saturday pincett May 4 9:30 pm | This Blog is also used as condolence Bardo Jagt 13-06-2005 pincett - 29-04-2013 No progress or sleep and see what tomorrow brings. pincett Good night had not yet out of the danger zone, but Bardo does his best very poor state of the lungs, Bardo to IC. Leukos leucos pincett 1.2 1.4 1.1 Leuko's Prednisone slightly lowered Post Categories Uncategorized Archives May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012
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