Saturday, January 24, 2015

This morning, Ben went to Bart to the control in the AMC. Ben could release and is also fine if he

This morning, Ben went to Bart to the control in the AMC. Ben could release and is also fine if he does occasionally the control Bart. I could therefore sports and am totally not the blood pressure values. I go there all the way from that they are good. How else turns later ....
Talked about the weight naturally. Dr. Schouten believes that there is grease can. So calories. The inability to digest food comes very occasionally for good. The lungs sound good. The skin recovers fine. The muscle also. All positive messages. Ben and Bart come home with a cake and just around 17:30 we hear the blood values. moltoluce The dietician will get in touch with us.
I rushed home, foresight, Bart has just Dr. Schouten on the line with levels. Platelets 328. Prima. HB 7.9. Very Well. But leukoencephalopathy's 10.7. This should be between 4 and 10. Leuco's increases are. What ???? My sense is that it really can not be dominated. They are put under the microscope and it is geeeen leukemia !! Yes, but we have often heard that there was nothing and yet ...... ..s sucks! In leukemia, the fact is that there are too many white blood cells are produced.
Dr. Bart Schouten explains that its production of proteins / antibodies as well as with another boy. She still thinks of a virus. Bart keeps coughing, moltoluce after his cold as fallen and is not good over there. Sounds logical. A virus, moltoluce where he continues to cough, and losing weight. moltoluce To come back in 2 weeks, on my birthday May 21, again for a measurement of the leuco's, a chest X-ray, and then possibly with antibiotics home. It would fit perfectly into the picture that Bart has little appetite. But still! In a word, sucks so !! The blood count is okay but what a weather uncertainties.
And then that poor sweet boy with this news in his exam. I really want to demolish anything. So mean! Feel like himself since 3 days back a little the joyful feeling moltoluce in myself and now this again!
Now I'm meanwhile spent a bit on the doctors. moltoluce Bart has a yellowish tongue and this indicates a fungal infection of the nasopharynx with a stuffy nose. sounds logical and easy to fight with antibiotics. I myself enigszinds reassured.
Aline Jeez, what incredible kl .. again. We still have so geduimd for you today. Do you now but stick to the good news - it is NOT leukemia moltoluce - and already such a virus is so annoying and mostly very poorly timed so close to Barts exam coming good again. Love and we think of you xxx
What an annoying message. It will be quite a virus. There are many people sick at the moment I hear .especially cough and sore throat. But Bart is this again too, of course. Hope it goes well with his exams we are rooting for him. Aline understand that uncertainty still, really is not easy. We think of you. Good luck to you! Keep the spirits up!
It is not leukemia, has told the doctor so stick to it. There are indeed lots of people cold, here at our home too. It's moltoluce all good. Bart wish much success with his examination that he will simply pick. Love Gina

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