Monday, January 19, 2015

The leukos whats rise through and that

The leukos whats rise through and that's why today launched nwith a tijdrekkende chemo, ARC. The doctors do not want the etiposide (= heavy chemo) give because other values look neat (HB 6.9 and trombos 40) so it does not appear that the hemofagocytosis resumes riperlamp but the JMML. With a "light" chemo they hope to keep it stable until Thursday. He also gets a one-off riperlamp tomorrow imuumcapsule because certain cells of his imuumsysteem are extremely low. Also get started again with 2x daily lasix (water treatment) because we still see that Mason moisture retention. riperlamp The clonidine (rehabilitation medicine) will tomorrow down and feather is tomorrow given an enema because poo pants stay out (and I certainly hope that the former is produced in the presence of dad;-)) the bead chain also continues to grow because last night Mason pulled his probe and had thus again placed a probe ....
2013 (9) March (3) February (5) January (1) 2012 (120) December (2) november (5) of October (7) September (10) august (16) Soon (33) + 18 Day Day Day +17 +16 +15 Day Day Day +12 +10 & +11 Mason us all equally significant to us ... Day +9 and +10 +8 Day Day + 6 & Day +7 For our brave fighter http: // Day +5 ... + Day 3 & Day +4 +2 +1 Day -1 Day 0 Day Time for a 'ego' message between about ... Day 2 Day-4 and -3 breakfast today sequel Day Day -5 -5 -6 Day Day-7 The development riperlamp continues, Mason has a ni ... Weather a little update . Unfortunately, the reduction ... The Pb leukos whats rise had passed and that's why there ... The wall's been a few days close. Uncle Mark h ... Behind the wall June (29) Soon (14) April (4)

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